Do you have a physical address?
Yes, we do have a physical address.
Do you have a refund policy for your software?
Yes. All Barcodesoft software products are covered by 30-day-money-back-guarantee.
If you are dissatisfied with Barcodesoft software product you purchased, please contact us within 30 days of purchase. We will give you a full-refund.
But please be sure to remove Barcodesoft product from your computer after refund is issued.
All Barcodesoft hardware products are covered by a 30-day-return-for-replacement policy for any units that do not install properly or are received in damaged state.
Do you have a refund policy for physical products?
Yes, we do.
Damaged / Defective Product refund Policy
Damaged Products
Products that arrived damaged should be refused by the recipient and sent back by the carrier attempting to make the delivery.
The end user or reseller bear the sole responsibility to notify Barcodesoft for defective product within 30 days after receipt.
Defective products must be unused and returned to Barcodesoft in its original condition.
All product returns to Barcodesoft must be accompanied by proof or purchase, such as purchase receipt, invoice, copy of order or an emailed version of these confirmations.
Products must be packed appropriately.
Used products will be charged 15% restocking fee.